Learning Outcome 1
When beginning an essay, the revision process has always been one of the hardest parts for me. The writing process that I do is by jumping right into the essay prompt by analyzing what my prompt is asking me to do. Then I begin typing away at the essay. With this process I have learned I run into writers block. This process was more focused on wording and local- level errors. Since it was more focused on wording and local-level errors it would leave me spending a lot of my revision process rewording my sentences and adding in more sentences. Nancy Sommers, author of College Composition and Communication, writes, “but blind themselves to problems on a textual level; although they are using different words, they are sometimes merely restating the same idea with different words…… Such blindness.” Sommers is merely saying that students, such as myself, become blind to what they are writing about. We students do not see are writing from the other perspective, and this is what causes us to become blocked when writing. I have learned that the importance of the recursive revision and that it is completely opposite to the linear process of revision. Learning the difference between the two is very important in helping you become a better writer. I have learned this process has worked better for me and helped me create ideas for my writing.
I chose my Big Data Project, project 3, as my model of explanation. I chose this writing because it shows my growth throughout the semester. Sommers explained how a writer explained to her, “I have learned from experience that i need to keep writing a first draft until I figure out what I want to say,” (College Composition and Communication, Sommers). This has connected to me because you truly are just writing first drafts until you hit you final thoughts. Through my revision process I would pick and choose what sounded liked it flowed better through my essay. This tells me that my “philosophy” on writing is that I revision until I feel it sounds like it flows best with the information that I am talking about with my thoughts about it.