The use of big data has changed so much in the medical field. How has big data impacted the medical field and the way that people are keeping patients files private? What ways are they trying to prevent patients data stole or doing to keep files more safe?
- Bernard Marr, How Big Data Is changing Healthcare (Online Article), I am going to use this source to introduce the concept of big data into the medical field.
- Choong Ho Lee and Hung-Jin Yoon, Medical bid data: promise and challenges (Online article) , I am going to use this source to introduce the good and the bad about big data into the medical field.
- Steve Lohr, The Age of Big Data (Newspaper article), I am going to use this source to introduce and make sense of what truly is big data.
- Brian Naylor, Congress overturns internet privacy (Newspaper article), I am going to use this to introduce privacy people have with big data.
- A Heikkinen, V Launis, P Wainwright, and H Leino-Kilpi, Privacy and Occupational health services (Journal) – I am going to use this source to show how privacy works within the medical field and show what precautions they are using to keep are private data private.
- Ori Heffertz and Katrina Ligett, Privacy and Data-Based Research (Journal), I am going to use this source to show the connection between privacy and data bases.
My next step is to try to find more sources where the papers are talking about the privacy of the data bases in the medical field directly. After I find at least one of those papers, I am ready to start writing my draft.
In my opinion, your thesis is detailed and substantial, but should be more of a statement. I like the topic you picked and it seems narrowed down enough to create a good paper. As far as finding more sources, try looking at specific science databases or AcademicComplete.
Hi, Victoria,
You have chosen a field to explore, which is good. I do not see a working thesis, though. Take a stance and define the field you will explore. Remember that this is a working thesis and can change. You are not likely going to need to use all of these sources. Instead, focus on those that offer the most useful and in-depth information for your topic. Good start!
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